Sunday, March 8, 2009

Life Interrupted

My life doesn't feel like my own yet. It hasn't for a while, but I was really hoping that by now I would be feeling some semblance of myself. i just wonder how much longer it will take.

I used to tell my friends that there was a fine line between dating and marriage--in watching your own back versus the back of the person you love. I always said that while you were dating, you had to watch your own back; but then once you got could simply cover the person you love. What happens when the formula doesn't work? What happens when you end up having to cover not only their back and your own, but when the other person turns and fires on you?

I guess I found out that there is always a fine line to walk. Trust is a large part of love, and without it so much fails.

It's a nice notion to have someone to stand by you...but what happens when you realize that you want to be walking...or even running, and they just keep standing?

Life interrupted. My life interrupted. That's how I feel today. Everything off schedule, no sleep, no concentration....and feeling like I am letting down those around me.

I just want my life back...I know I can fix it...but I want it to be fixed now.

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