Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A Rose by any Other Name...

Today, I finally did it.

I finally finished changing my name...and it feels, actually not that different.

I changed my name with the DMV the day I got the divorce decree in the mail. But for some reason, going to the SSA was not high on my list of things I wanted to do...every time I thought about it, I would just get incredibly anxious.

So, this week I asked for some help. Just a push, to help get me out the door and just do it. And thankfully, I have someone who was willing to keep pushing even when I pushed back. So thank you. :-)

I did slightly feel like I was going to pass out at the window...why, I am not sure. All that pent up anxiety maybe....

But the good news is--I don't ever have to do it again!! And...I ran two laps around Erie Lake...well, I walked the last quarter each round. And then ran across a highway.

It's been a busy morning! ;-)

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