Wednesday, November 5, 2008


It's funny--life. It just is...and there's really no explaining it.

The past few days have been so great. I am super tired and still wish I had more free time, but I am filled with optimism for the first time in quite some time. I was really optimistic about the election (woohoo!!) and I got back in touch with my "long lost" brother and sister, which has been great! It's just so amazing to see how much they have changed, how much they have grown. They both have children (yay for nieces and nephews!!), who I can't wait to spend time with!

Growing up, my family was always spread out and separated. I have always hoped that someday, someway....we would all get to be together again. Although sometimes it is too much to have all of Brian's family so close, sometimes I really envy him getting to be a stone's throw away from everyone. Someday I hope to be that close to all of my family.

For now, I am optimistic. Filled with renewed hope. I feel that the pendulum of life is finally swinging the other way--and I can't wait to see what happens next.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Late night thoughts...

There are those memories that never escape you...those moments that remain vivid no matter whet else fades away.

I remember when I was much younger spending lots of time with my Grandparents...and I have a lot of memories surrounding them. But, there's just one tonight. M*A*S*H always has a special place in my heart, because I remember falling asleep to it while my Grandparents would sit in the living room as my brother and I settled in for the night. I always remember just one specific time--Grandpa was wearing shorts for some reason (he never wore shorts, as evidenced by his WHITE legs) reclining in one of the chairs. Grandma was close by, and I was in a sleeping bag on the floor. I don't remember what was said, or what else we were doing...but the fact that we were all together back then somehow tugs a heartstring today.

Being here with my Grandma always makes me miss Grandpa a little that country song says "I miss you a little--a little too much, a little too often, a little more everyday." But I am also reminded of the blessings that I have in my close friendship with my Grandma. Over the past 7 years since Grandpa passed away, we have spent a significant amount of time together--and that time is truly invaluable.

Each day I try to imagine what I will remember...and there's not always some amazing thing that happens. But the fact that I know I can rely on her, and I know she relies on me...that says plenty.

Some days it seems so strange to be at this place in life. I often wonder how things would be different if Grandpa were still around...I can't imagine what my Grandma has gone through, and how much she misses him.

There will be plenty of other posts with memories about my Grandparents...but the next time you hear that theme song from M*A*S*H, maybe you'll think of your Grandparents...I know I will.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

It all begins somewhere...

Everyone blogs nowadays, don't they? I figured I might as well get in the loop...I guess I should catch up with the rest of the world.

I am not sure I have too much to say. I can only hope that something here will have some wisdom, but don't hold your breath ;-)

This past August I went back to one of my old hometowns (yes--I believe that I have several...) and while I was there I almost stopped at my elementary school, but decided against it since it was the middle of the class day. But I really had wanted to say hello to my old teachers, and to let them know how they had guided me in those early years.

So, today I decided to just go to the school's website and look up my old teachers...surprisingly, none were still listed. Very sad for me. I had hoped to shoot them an email, just to let them know that even after all these years, I still remember the lessons I learned in their classes. So instead, I will write it here, and hope that someday, some way, these words will find them.

To Mr. Reid:
You were always lighthearted and funny--I remember it being great fun to watch your steer the desks around the rooms like little race cars. I remember learning to read in your class--and loving it. You instilled a love for the written word in me, and I cannot thank you enough for that.

To Mrs. Gille:
I remember you saying that you were 39, and I replied that you were the same age as my Grandmother (it wasn't until a few years ago that my Grandma admitted that she had been 39 for a few decades...), but you took it all in stride. You always pushed me to do better. I was a good student, but I felt like you knew I could be a great student, and so you never gave up giving me encouragement--pushing me to go faster on "timed tests" and pushing me to absorb all the information I could. Looking back, I feel it is because of you that I have such a drive to constantly do better--to do more than I thought I ever could.

To Mrs. Doyle:
I remember the look you gave me when I told you that my family and I had rafted the Colorado River...when you knew that my geography was all wrong and we were never near the Colorado. I may have been a little hasty on field trips--exploring out beyond the limits, and wading waist deep into the river. You scolded me, but you did so without killing my sense of adventure.

To Nurse Vicky:
I remembering spending a lot of time in your office. I was "accident prone," as they said, but you never made me feel guilty about my misfortune. A fractured collarbone, my head split open...and those were just the major trips--all before the end of 4th grade. You taught me how to keep my cool in less than desirable circumstances, and helped me be a stronger person.

I find it extremely interesting to look back, to see how others have influenced and help shape my life. I wish that I could tell these teachers personally how much they really influenced me. But I will have to settle for this little blog.

I can only hope that someday, some student will email me, letting me know how I have helped shape their life...and hopefully, I will have influenced them in a good way.