There's a boy,
Who held my heart for years.
He promised me the moon,
But only gave me tears.
We had some laughs and fun,
As well as plenty of happy days,
But now it's all over and done
In oh so many ways.
He held my hand,
And grasped it tight--
But only to help him stand,
Which left me alone to fight.
He fell in love with my looks--
The least part of me--
He forgot I read books,
And how thoughtful I like to be.
He gave me a ring
And promised he'd always care for me.
But a ring doesn't mean a thing,
If your heart he doesn't care to see.
One day he made me his wife,
A day full of love and joy.
But through the course of life,
And being treated like a toy--
Inside my heart began to ache
When he stopped caring to find
What was best for my sake.
So my heart I had to unbind,
Decide it was finally time
To take my heart in my hand,
Remember it was truly mine
And alone, learn to stand.
There's a boy,
Who took me by surprise.
We were just friends,
Those were our ties.
But that came to an end
With all the butterflies
And kisses he did lend.
I saw myself through his eyes--
I was kind and caring and lovely--
This caricature I did not despise.
Here I saw who I wanted to be--
Reflected in his touch,
Shining by his side,
Every moment I loved so much.
Until a piece of me died,
When he said he was going away,
For months on the other side of the sea.
What I thought...I never did say,
He needed a chance just to be.
So for months and weeks
He was far and separate from me.
I was left hoping my love he would seek,
That "us" he would finally see.
While away in his distant land,
He chose to light an old flame.
He chose to hold her hand,
And whisper her name...
Leaving me alone in the dark,
Not telling me the desires of his heart.
While on his adventure he embarked,
He let me drift away, further apart.
The day I said I was done,
He told me he was not...
He remembered all our fun,
And the adventures that we sought.
He said he wasn't ready--
That he saw what was there,
And he couldn't promise to be steady,
But he wanted "us" to be here.
I gave him another chance,
Letting him keep his place in my heart,
Because I knew it was more than happenstance...
I also did not want us to part.
When finally he held me in his arms,
And gave my lips another kiss,
I fell again for all his charms,
Because each one I did miss.
But it would all change after one night--
All my hopes, his misread signs,
It felt so right,
But was so wrong this time.
I would forsake every ounce of romance,
I would rescind every kiss,
Redo this dance....
If his friendship I wouldn't have to miss.
There's a boy,
Who always gives me a smile--
Who sees me and is full of joy.
I hope he stays a while...
With my heart he's taken special care,
With the gentlest touch he's reached out
To let me know he wants to always be there...
But I always have my doubts.
All my words he reads on his own--
He's not afraid of my thoughts...
He cares to know each seed I've sown,
Even when deep inside I am caught--
Lost inside my own maze,
He still reaches out his hand
And in oh so many small ways,
Lets me know he wants to help me stand
If I ever fear I'll fall.
And as my heart heals,
He's still there if I call,
No matter what my heart feels.
There's a boy,
To whom I am meant to be tied.
He won't mind eating soy,
He will never have lied--
At least to me or my heart.
He'll take me to the airport,
While around the world I go--
My every move he will support.
And his love he will always show.
He'll smile when I say "No meat."
And respond with "No cheese."
He won't mind that I'm not very neat,
And that I hate skis...
He'll join me as I climb rocks,
And laugh at my argyle socks.
My cats he'll call his children,
My bed he'll take the other side.
To every piece of him he'll let me in--
He'll keep trying--despite having tried--
To love me more every day,
To kiss me with a little more love,
To care for me in every way...
And he will succeed--go beyond and above.
Every night he'll tuck me in tight,
Hold me so very near
And tell me "I love you dear."
In my bed he'll tangle with me,
Wrap his arms around my waist
Let us in the silence be,
And not consider it a waste.
There's a boy
Who will hold me tight--
But not to suffocate,
But just right.
In every way he'll be my perfect mate.
One day he will ask me for my hand,
And say, "I will always help you stand.
You might not always need me,
But forever by your side I will be."
He'll take my hand in his own,
And say I'm the best girl he's ever known.
He's out there, looking for me.
Fighting for a chance for us to be.