Monday, October 12, 2009

In Process

It has been a while since I have posted, so I thought I would take a moment for a quick update. I have several blogs in process--but they will have to remain that way for a while...

Life is crazy, wonderful, hectic, confusing--all as usual. But it is going very well at the moment...I am very fortunate to be surrounded by wonderful friends and family, and each day is a reminder of how lucky I am.

The fall has moved in...and the cold as well. It is always this time of year that I forget how cold I can cold the weather can really be. But yesterday as I was driving to work...I had a wonderful thought...

...last winter.

I have decided to move to California in the spring, and so this should (in theory) be my last winter in Colorado--at least for the time being. I am both very much looking forward to not having another winter like this...but also feeling sad about leaving...

Colorado has been my home for so is hard some days to imagine leaving. But then in true Colorado gets so freaking cold I think my vital fluids are going to freeze. Then thinking of leaving is WAY easier...

So, non-poetic update. Not super exciting....yet.

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