Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

It is

It's my first major holiday as a vegetarian--but that's not why it's odd, of course.

It's odd because there is no driving around from city to balancing act, no facade. Just the smiles of loved ones and friends, the smell of delicious food....and freedom.

It is odd to feel like I am missing out on seeing more than half of my "family." For years I have spent holidays with them...celebrated life and overcoming obstacles....and now we have little to no contact. It sure is different.

This is the first of many, I am sure. And it's ok. It's kind of nostalgic being a kid again a little bit.

That doesn't make it any less odd though.

Nonetheless, Happy Thanksgiving. I have much to be thankful for--friends, family, health, my children. Truly a day to be filled with thanks!

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