Saturday, December 5, 2009

Miss Fix-it

Why do I have to know?

Because if I know what's wrong, then I can find a way to fix it. When I started fixing sewing machines...I had no idea how to fix a machine. No one taught me what to do. I figured it out on my own. Every now and then, I have gotten some instruction for some crazy fixes, but other than that I have figured it all out on my own.

So if I know what caused the problem, then I should be able to fix it, right? I haven't met a sink, toilet, hinge, costume, machine that I couldn't fix. So why can't that be true in all things?

I have to learn that I cannot fix everything.

These hands can only do so much. This mind can only wrap itself around so much. I am not so amazing that I can fix one can.

It's not all about me.

It is not all about me.

I am only half of anything....

Except....I am all of me.

And that's all I have to offer.

That's all I can offer.

And that is enough.

I can fix me, where I need fixing. Because we all need some tune-ups here and there. But I cannot fix someone else. I cannot solely fix a relationship.

I can't be everything to everyone.

I can't be all things to all people.

I can be me. It is all that I should have to be. If I am not myself, no one will be me for me.

That sounded so weird. But it makes sense to me, and maybe it will make sense to you too.

In a nutshell:

I can't fix everything.
I can't fix everyone.
I can fix me.
I need to be me.
You need to be you.

Everything else, will work out the way it's supposed to.

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