Monday, October 25, 2010


There's already snow up in the mountains...already.

They say it won't be down here soon, but I am sure it will be here all too soon...

This weekend I was obsessed with the changing leaves. It seems like they just started changing--only last week we had trees plump with lush green leaves. The bright fall leaves have only been around for a few days, and they are already falling...some trees are already bare...stick thin and looking dead.

The wind is already gusting...whipping through the dead trees, stirring up the remains of their summer coats and carrying them across streets and yards. The beautiful blue sky is hidden by layers and layers of storm clouds...threatening more foul weather....

The snow will be here all too soon. And it will feel like an eternity of cold damnation.

I will have to wait...I will have to remember that the sun will come out again. I will wait...patiently, for the spring...when the air warms again, when life blossoms anew, when the grass and leaves are green again, and when the blue sky grows from horizon to horizon...

I will wait...maybe hibernate.

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