It has turned into one of those typical Colorado spring days....where yesterday we were in tank tops and shorts, and today we have 8 inches of snow.
I wonder if this will be my last Colorado snow. There is always this snow, right in the midst of spring break...and sometimes there's one more big snow in April...so I guess time will tell.
In a few months, I will be California bound. Yesterday I started pricing out moving options...it seems so unreal...so surreal. I can't believe how fast time flies....I can't believe that it has almost been a year since I moved into this apartment.
As I sit here on my most-amazing couch...I am watching the snow pile higher and higher outside. To think that a year ago...I felt so much like the snow. Cold and wintery, blustery and lonely, too cold for anyone to stand...my igloo has long-since been melted. And even as the temperature drops once again, even as the snow builds higher and higher...I still feel a warmth in my heart, one that was missing for so very long.
I plan to cuddle up close with my babies tonight. Kairi will keep my head warm and Sora will snuggle up next to one side while our temporary family member, Dillon, snuggles up on the other side.
It's a good night to be snowed in.
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