I just spent about an hour outside with my lovely children. They love to go on walks--especially Sora, and so I try to take them out whenever I can.
We were all sitting together in the sunshine, Kairi off to my left in the shade of a spruce, and Sora off to my right nestled in the sunshine. I couldn't help but just stare at my beauties...their fur glistening, their eyes wide with wonder...my little boy and girl.
I realized...this is love. When I feel lost, or I forget what it feels like...it's right here. Nestled neatly in the sunshine and fur coats.
The best part was after I picked up Kai to walk home, I turned to Sora and told him it was his turn. NOW he decides he wants to continue the walk. So he walks over to a dusty trail, and after a few feet, plops down and rolls in the dust. I laugh, as he stands up--walks a few more feet, and repeats the process, more vigorously this time. After 4 bouts of this, I finally just reach down and lift him out of the dust...spreading the dust and shrubbery all over Kai and I in the process.
I love my kids. I am so very blessed to have found them. I found both of them from shelters that rescue animals that are to be put down at other shelters due to overpopulation and whatnot. I used petfinder.com to find these shelters--and I highly recommend it! Black cats are the least adopted, and most shelters won't adopt black cats in the month of October due to the fact that some people will harm black cats during Halloween time. I love my black beauties--they are friendly, gorgeous, and lovable--and they also negate any bad luck superstitions. Break a mirror? Forget about it. Walk under a ladder--sure, why not! And if a black cat crosses your path--it's now good luck.
So, if you are looking to expand your family--please adopt from a shelter. It has been said that most shelter animals know they are getting a second shot at life, and therefore ooze gratitude and love. I am eternally grateful for choosing to adopt through a shelter, because I can't imagine my life without my two wonderful children.
Remember that by adopting from a shelter, you are not just saving the life of the family member you are bringing home. You are also saving the life of the one who can now take their spot in the shelter while waiting for their own forever home.
Save a life. Adopt.
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