Saturday, May 1, 2010


So, my blogs have been short and sporadic, off-topic and unconventional--even for me.

Many apologies.

The past 6 weeks have been really busy, and really trying. I was working a lot, going through a lot of stuff, trying to sort things out mentally, and moving! So I am sorry for the craziness that is my blog during the past few weeks.

I haven't really been able to address all of the thoughts that have been running through my head, simply because I have not had the time. I haven't even written in my journal in months...

So, now that things are slowing down, I am going to try my best to keep this up to speed--with my thoughts and with my pictures. Fortunately, I have yet to miss a day with the pics!

There will probably be more random postings as I try to get into words all of my thoughts and feelings of the last few please bear with me. But I also did just learn how to hyperlink something into my blog!! So expect much more of that!! ;-)

Thank you all again for taking the time to read my blog, I truly appreciate it. I hope that you find it interesting and of some help!

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