Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I know where all the keys are hidden...

Being back in Tucson is so....heartwarming. I love being here in my Grandmother's house...it feels like home--it feels better than home.

Here...I know where all the keys are. I don't even have to think about it...I know how to get through every door--every lock. There are no dark corners, no places I want to forget...only a few haunting memories that are easily forgotten.

But I know where all the keys are hidden...the keys to the house........the keys to my heart.

Now I have to decide what to do with them.

Will I keep my keys hidden? Will I unlock the door to my heart on my own? Or will I trust someone enough to let them hold the keys to my heart?

I am reminded of a country song--"Where the Green Grass Grows."

"I've got bars on my doors
And bars on my heart.
But I want to live
Where the green grass grows...
Every night being tucked in close to you..."

One thing that I love about Tucson is that practically everyone has wrought-iron bars on their doors and windows. It is something I grew up knowing...and I find it comforting. But I realize now that I most likely have the exact same bars on my heart...where it is comfortable.

Someday my keys will unlock those bars. Until then, I smile and wait comfortably...there is plenty of space to reach through the bars....but it will take the keys to open it up completely.

I know where all the keys are...maybe even the ones you are looking for.

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