Friday, May 15, 2009

Let me be

As I struggle through each day,
As I wonder if I will make it through,
Please let me be.
I will have to take the time to see
What is really me.
I am not yet ready to unpack it all,
I am not always ready for your call.
Some days...I just have to fall.
Don't you worry,
I will get back up.
I will rise from the ashes.
But please let me be.
I will have to take the time to see
What is really me.
Some days are just more difficult to survive,
While others I truly thrive.
Other days I just need a long drive...
Not every day is sad.
Not every day is perfect.
And I know the days will get better as time goes on.
But please, let me be me.
I am trying to take the time to see
Who and what is really me.

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