Monday, September 6, 2010

Shopping, and lazy days.... was so much fun to not have to work today!! I got to do some (window) shopping and lazing around instead.

It is interesting to be in the midst of a shift...where work was the focus of my life, where I thought that's where I wanted to be investing my time and energy...and into where living, love, laughter and family are my new focus. Contentment in my soul has become so much more important than contentment with my bank account or work hours.

So far, this way is so much more fulfilling. I found my cup to be filled, and it doesn't just drain away at the end of the day. Sure, some days it gets knocked around and some spills out, but there's always at least a little left at the beginning of each day...and most days, my cup just overflows!!

It has been difficult--it is difficult to find how to feel that same sense of accomplishment. But I am working on it...and I will get there. In the mean time, I plan on being happy and healthy. :-)

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