Thursday, September 30, 2010

Being Sick...

I hate being sick...or even just feeling sick.

I have been fighting something ever since we came back from Utah. I think at first it was just that my body got way too dry--my throat, lungs and sinuses were bone dry--and now my body is still recovering from all of that.

But I have never done at letting anyone take care of me, not even whilst I was sick. So other than last year when my Dad drove all the way out to my apartment to bring me a humidifier...twice, I can't really remember a time since childhood that I have been cared for whilst sick.

I don't like the feeling...not just the physicality of being sick, where I am tired and completely drained; but also the mental aspect of trying to push through it all alone.

I am learning to lean on others...learning to trust still.

I'll get there...little by little...

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