Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Sometimes I find it hard to believe that I have written every day since my birthday. It's cool to get to look back, and see how the year has gone thus far--although there is a lot that goes on that I don't write in here...

A lot of times I battle with how personal to get on this lovely little blog. I know pretty much everyone who reads it, whether they are a follower or not. (Which--if you're not, you should become a follower--and share with your friends--or enemies if you don't like what I write. I am trying to get more followers so I can get my writing more out there...wink wink.)

But at times, I don't know what is fair game. I don't want to offend someone, I don't want to write about someone who doesn't want to be written about. Maybe this is why Carrie Bradshaw always used nicknames in her columns...

Nonetheless, I am very happy that regardless of how often I can post photos, I am posting some of my thoughts each day.

It will be fun to look back on this year in years to come...and I hope that I can keep this up past my fun would that be? (Well, for me...maybe not for all of you ;-) ...maybe)

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