Friday, August 27, 2010

Work in Progress..

So, I have another post started...but it is going to take some time. I am also trying to figure out if there is a way I can lock certain posts--just so I don't have to worry about some of my words getting out and way about in the world, and onto the eyes of someone I would rather not have read them...

Wow that was an awkward sentence.

Nonetheless, today is beautiful. I spent the morning mowing the lawn out in the beautiful sunshine--on a riding lawn mower, so all the more fun! I even wore my swimsuit so I could soak up some of those extra sun rays!!

All of the new jobs are progressing very well! I am very happy with the jobs that I have found (so far) and feel very fortunate to have work!

My kids are doing well--Sora is definitely feeling bouts of cabin fever, and I have promised him that now that I have work, we will be moving as soon as possible. I know he will be much happier in our own space.

I have found myself very happy and very comfortable in my new relationship. It is wonderful to have someone to share everything with...someone to talk with for hours on end, about anything and everything...someone to run around and play with...someone to love, and someone who loves me unabashedly.

I live a beautiful's quite amazing.

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