Sunday, February 22, 2009


Last time I was an optimist...but today I think I am a realist. I feel that the optimism was short-lived, and the reality of life and certain events is starting to settle in.

Realistically, love is not a fairy tale. Love does not always conquer all. Love does not always last forever. But that does not make it any less valuable. It does not mean that it never should have been cultivated in the first place.

Looking back on hopefully endearing. Hopefully it brings at least some warm feeling to your soul. But not every moment of love is perfect...realistically. It's the time when love becomes drowned by mistrust, fear and betrayal that you know it's over. When love has become more a figment of your imagination that you cling to than a reality...then you know it's over.

I am reminded of the movie "Ever After." Forgive me for the reference, but it makes the point. "A life without love is not worth living." "But love without trust, what of that?" I do not see how a love without trust can work for me.

Love is difficult. It is not all sunshine and rainbows. It is not always the beautiful story from the silver screen. Sometimes it is messy, dangerous and extremely hurtful. To some, love is not the mushy romantic scheme from the movie screen. To some it's not a word meant to be tossed around lightly, not something to be toyed with. To some, love is knowing that when you need to fall, someone will be there to catch you, not bring you roses to the hospital bed.

Realistically, life is never perfect...but then again, neither am I. And I am OK with that. Perfection is a lot to live up to, and I would rather live dangerously and thrive than be quiet and just survive.

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