Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fresh Start

I need to start over.

I need a new place, new faces...somewhere the memories don't haunt me.

Today I just want to turn off the whole world, just make it all turn blank for a while...break out my crayons and color it happy for once.

I want to not hurt...for even just a day. To not be not have hatred still lingering...even for just a day.

The worst part is knowing I could yell and scream, and the people I want to hear it would just continue to pretend I'm dead.

I think he still doesn't know how much he hurt me, and how much I hate him for it.

I don't think he knows how much he still hurts me, and I don't think he'll ever care...even though I tried so hard, and tried to be so gentle when I left.

I need to be somewhere far away from here. I need another chance.

I need a fresh start.

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