Monday, June 29, 2009


I have noticed that many of my friends are coming up on wedding anniversaries...and mine would have been coming up in a month as well...can I ask if it is fitting that we didn't make it to the "leather" anniversary? (That would be the "traditional gift" for the 3rd anniversary.)

I hope that my friends know that I share in their joy with them. I am truly happy for each and every single one of them. I am happy for those who have also just joined with another soul in marriage, and I wish them each the best and fullest life possible...more than a full marriage--a full life, one shared with but not conquered by another.

I hope that none of my friends feel sorry for me. It has been a difficult I wish that I had not needed to take...but now that I am bursting through the dark tunnel, I know without a doubt it was necessary. I have accepted the grief that I bear, but I know that it is a far lighter burden then the one I bore while unequally yoked...

Some days it is unreal to think of how long I let myself be unequally long I carried not just my own burdens, but those of another. It is easier to bear the load together--each holding strong, holding fast as one. You cannot bear the load together while one person refuses to be honest and true. So my true to true to your partner. Be not be afraid. Let there be good times AND bad times...learn and grow together through all the times.

So for those of you who are celebrating the joy of a new marriage or the renewed commitment of an anniversary--I wish you all the joy your hearts can hold.

And don't worry about me--why cry for a heart and soul set free?

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