Monday, June 8, 2009

Good bye

I never thought that I would say good bye to you.
Deep down I hoped that I would die before you...
That if you lived to be one hundred,
Then I would live to be one hundred minus one day...
So I would never have to live a day without you.

Now we are torn apart.
Life has broken us, shredded us.
Pieces of our hearts and souls
Lay strewn along the path we walked together.

Today we said our final goodbye.
Today we gained some closure.
Today we ended what we started so long ago.

It was beautiful.
It was great...
For a moment it was all that I had hoped and dreamed for. crumbled like a sand castle in the waves.

You will now walk your way,
And I will walk mine.
I never thought that our paths
Would ever be so far apart.
I never thought that I wouldn't be able to see your path from mine.

We don't know when we will speak again...
We don't know if we will speak again.
What a strange place to be with the one person
I used to go to sleep talking to
And waking up next to.

What the fuck?
We both agree on these sentiments.
And we aren't sure when these thoughts will change.

So now you know...
There will always be a part of me that loves you.
And I know there is a part of you..
That will always love me.
But here we say our goodbye...
For how long...who knows?
I wish you all the best...
Even though you don't want me to be TOO happy...

I hope that you find more happiness than you found with me.
I hope that you find more joy than you found with me.
I hope that you find more fulfillment than you found with me.
I hope that you find more....

I hope that I become a distant memory,
A pleasant--but not too pleasant memory.
And I hope that you become a memory to me.

One last word...what shall it be?
How do we sum up so much time, so much love...
So much love many memories lost...


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