This post is for all of you who are so very sweetly concerned with how I am here's the whole story:
My Dad has a congenital heart syndrome (defect, differentness, whatever) called Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome. He had no idea he had it until he was in his 40s, and has since had it ablated twice.
About a year and a half ago, I started having weird stuff happen--I would all of a sudden feel absolutely beyond exhausted after "normal" exertion. There would be nothing I could do but lie down and wait for it to pass. I didn't think much of it until a few months ago, when these episodes started getting closer together and started involving more symptoms. I would get dizzy, short of breath, and my heart would race for no apparent reason. After chatting with my Dad, it seemed that I was having the same symptoms he had for WPW.
I kept telling myself that I would get in to see the doctor soon, but kept being too busy. But this past Wednesday, during a normal yoga workout I almost passed out. I could barely breathe, my heart was racing and the world started turning dark. I had to stop dead in my tracks to keep from passing out.
So, needless to say, I went to the doctor yesterday. I got an EKG and some blood tests to see what's up. The EKG looked normal, so they want me to be hooked up to an "event monitor:" a heart monitor that I wear for 2 weeks that will record times when I am having abnormal heart activity.
And that is all I know for the moment. I am waiting for the call to go in and get set up with my awesome event monitor ( just like Barney!!), and I will know about my blood test results next week.
Hopefully, it's all something that can go away very easily. Until then, I'm not going to worry my little head over it...too much.
Thank you all for your concern! I will keep you posted on how everything is progressing.