Saturday, July 31, 2010


Well, I have thought about this for a whole goal was to not drink until I what do I do now that I am not moving?

In my original post, Alcohol, I was exploring why I felt the need to drink, and why I hated to drink. So what do I feel now, having spent nearly 3 months sober?

I feel as though I have proven to myself what I needed to...

I don't need alcohol.
I don't need it to have fun.
I don't need it to relax.
I don't need it to relieve my OCD tendencies.
I don't need it to feel comfortable in social situations.
I don't need it to make people think that I am fun.
I don't need it to fit in with everyone else.

So, given that tomorrow was my intended moving day, I feel I can count my "sober summer" a success. Do I feel like I *must* have a drink tomorrow? Absolutely not. I am sure there will still be plenty of times that I choose not to drink, and to me--that is another success.

I doubt that this is the end of my battle with alcohol. But I feel as though I have learned a lot about myself through this process, and I am ready to continue to take steps forward.


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