Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I have a few jobs. It has been years since I have had just one job at a time. I will be the first to admit that I have spent the last several years as a workaholic, but now that I have seen what life is like without endless hours of work, I am more than happy just to work to live, not live to work.

I have one job that is driving me crazy though...the others all have their moments, but I still enjoy them. But this one job, the bad stuff keeps far outweighing the good. There is very little communication, and as someone who is only in once a week, I feel very unprepared for what I will have to face each time I go in.

The rules change from week to week, but no one bothers to tell me. I do my best to read all the memos and keep myself up to date, but when there are no doesn't matter.

I am starting to reach the end of my rope on this one...we'll see just how much longer I can go.

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