Friday, November 19, 2010

Great Stories...

I just finished watching a really great film, Mary and Max. I highly recommend it, especially if you love claymation as much as I do.

The film, while visually stunning (I often wish I could work as a sculptor for such films) provides a great story as well. But one thought has been running through my head since a certain scene in the film (I won't spoil it, but once you watch it you will know what I mean):

Great stories don't always have happy endings.

Stories that change us, that inspire us, that make us better...don't always have happy endings. There are stories--in movies, books and even life that make the world a better place, even though there is no happy "storybook" ending.

So, how do you know you are in a great story when there's no happy ending in sight? How do you know you are not just living in a bad story that you should change?

I don't know...but I am pretty sure I am living a great story...with an eventual happy ending.

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