Friday, November 5, 2010

New Intentions...

Through a blog I have just started following, I have come across a very interesting website/blog called Makeunder My Life.

While I have only scratched the surface here, I really like the DIY-DYL (Do It Yourself-Design Your Life) idea of designing a life with intention....

A few days ago, I felt like I was getting a wake up call. I felt like someone was smacking the back of my head with a stick...saying,

"What the HELL are you doing?? WAKE UP. Today is passing you by, and today is all you have!!"

All of a sudden I realized that all my bad habits were adding up...unfortunately they add up to zero...and unless I decided to change myself and my habits, I was going to lose a lot more than just a few days.

So, in line with Makeunder My Life, I want to design my life with intention. I want there to be a purpose in everything I do (even if it is just for fun) and I want there to be a clear intention with my life.

Without further ado, my intentions:


I want to consistently create an atmosphere of awareness. What is my carbon footprint? Am I treating others the way I want to be treated? Do I think this soup was made with chicken stock? Stuff like that. I feel that lately I have not been considerate of so many things...and I want to get back on track.


I want to not only treat others the way I want to be treated, but I want to treat others in such a way that they not only have to rethink how they treat others, but also how they view themselves. I want to build people up, give them confidence and show them that it is possible for another human being--maybe even a stranger--to care about their life.

I also want to be kind to animals...spend more time with my kids. Also, be more mindful of what I am eating and where it came from...eggs only from cage free, vegetarian fed hens--ideally. Continue to not buy new leather.


My Dad always says that being happy and being content are two completely different things, and I would agree. Happiness is more temporary, content is much more a state of life. So I want to work towards maintaining a constant state of contentedness. Live where I want to live, work where I want to work, love who I want to love, be who I want to be. Contentment.


I struggle with this one daily. I try to be healthy, but some days I find it so difficult to actually feel healthy. I want to consider my body a temple, and treat it with the same respect. I want to take the time to exercise and fuel my body with what it needs to conquer each new day.


In other words, I need to stop procrastinating. That's pretty much it. Seize the day!! Seize the moment!! Remember that each moment is precious, and once it's gone--it's gone!!

6) BE ME

I want to fully embody this person inside this skin. Be who I am and be proud of it--flaws and all. I am not perfect...I never will be. And I am cool with that. But I need to let all the different facets of myself shine in every way that they are meant to. Find little ways in every life to be a more fulfilled me.


I want to see new things, meet new people, visit new places. I have always enjoyed traveling--whether it was just the chance to spend quality time with my Grandma or a Caribbean cruise, I loved it all. And now that I have the freedom to go where I want, when I want--I plan to take advantage of that. I want to always have some exciting plan in the works at any given moment...


Today will not always be what I want it to be. I will not always be as successful as I want to be. But I can always do better tomorrow...even if today is awesome and I rock it--tomorrow can still be better. And if I can make each new day better than awesome will life be??

So, there it is. I am putting that list up on my door and on my mirror.

I heard the wake up call, and I am answering.

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