Monday, April 20, 2009


The walls inside my skull seem to be getting tighter.
The thoughts inside my head seem to be expanding.
The battle between the two rages on,
And I don't know which will win.
Will my thoughts stay contained,
Or will my skull explode?

I think I know which will win,
The same one that has won every other battle.
The same one that has proved to overcome.
The one that I always make win.

I know how to keep my thoughts inside,
I know how to contain my emotions.
Little tupperwares inside my skull,
Keep everything right where they need to be.
Keep everything neat, separate.

I will find my space.
I will give space where needed.
I know how that works.

So my skull will stay intact.
My thoughts will stay inside.
My emotions will stay hidden.
For now.

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