Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I close my eyes and feel the silence.
It wraps around me like a soft warm blanket.
For once, the silence does not shake me,
It does not seem to want to break me.

The silence holds a promise today,
A brand new hope for tomorrow.
A smile on the horizon,
A hand to hold onto.

Today the silence is my friend.
There is no animosity,
No reminders of things missed,
Only the soft feeling of silence.

Today the silence is not lonely.
There is joy and peace in the lack of noise.
There is a sense of completeness--
A sense of accomplishment today.

The silence may not always be so kind.
Tomorrow the silence my not be so gentle,
It may decide to break me once again.
But for today, the silence is precious.

Today, the silence holds a promise.

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