Thursday, October 21, 2010

Is it Thursday?

I worked my first overnight at TCS last night, and it was wonderful!! If I had to choose a job to do overnight...this would definitely be it!! I was surrounded by great people, and I got to do fun work--even taking out the trash was a laugh!

But I will admit--I now feel like I am kind of in a time warp...what day is it? Is it really Thursday? Do I really only have 2 more work shifts until the weekend...and I love *both* shifts I have to do??

Awesome. My life is some sort of awesome.

I haven't written about the kids in a while, so just to give you an update--they are doing very well. Sora has kept up with his routine shots, and so he is happy and healthy (and just as loud as ever). Kairi continues to amaze me by becoming more beautiful and adorable every day. Each day I am so happy--I feel so blessed to have these two wonderful little furballs to come home to. They brighten my days and warm my nights. I wouldn't change a thing about either of them!! Well...just one thing seems they like to fling kitty litter to the far corners of the bathroom. That I could do without. ;-)

So, as a reminder--don't forget to check out your local shelter when considering adoption!! And take the time to visit The Animal Rescue Site every day. You can help them raise funds for animal shelters simply by visiting their site and clicking the purple "Give" button. Cost: 5 seconds of your time. Saving an animal's life: Priceless. Today's shelter story brought tears to my eyes.

Shelter animals need forever homes too. When bringing home a shelter animal, you are bringing home endless gratitude and unconditional love. What could be better than that?

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