Sunday, March 6, 2011

What if?

What if life wasn't treated like a rat race?

What if everyone loved their jobs, got to spend plenty of time with their family, and had time to play?

What if we all tried to make life easier for everyone else?

What if we each tried to increase the happiness of others?

I was thinking about some of this today as we walked around the mall. I was struck by all of the people walking around the food court...a mass of humanity...and I didn't see very many smiles or happy faces.

And I thought...what if each one of these people helped someone they didn't know? What if each one of these people did one small thing to make someone else's life just a little easier?

How would the world change if we all did the small things? If we stepped out of someone's way, picked up a piece of trash, or even just smiled at someone?

Would it make a difference? Would the world be radically different?

I guess the bigger questions is, would we all be able to do it...even just one day at a time?

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